Page 27 - Pages for FlipBook 2018
P. 27
the brothers and officer’s of the fr. john farrell
council, kofc #5962 from hewlett, ny would like to
congratulate all of tonight’s worthy honorees! keep
us proud! thanks to the chapter and god bless our
wonderful president, brother ted newkirk, pgk.
a big “thank you” to the sisters of st. dominic for all
you do to better the lives of everyone you come in
contact with. you are true disciples of jesus and we
thank the lord for your vocation.
congratulations to brother knight brian ennis, pgk,
pfn for being honored as the nassau chapter “knight
of the year” 2017-2018 recipient. your hard work and
devotion to your brothers of nassau county do not go
unnoticed. we are proud to call you a brother knight!
best wishes to our fellow bother knight, robert
wahl,pgk, fdd on receiving the prestigious 2017-2018
nassau chapter bob hartman lifetime achievement
award. you are truly respected amongst your
brothers and you have a heart of columbianism. vivat