Nassau Chapter News and Events
Next Business Meeting
July 21, 8 P.M.
Our Lady of the Island Council Massapequa
Hawaiian Shirt Night is Back
Bulletin Contest
Make sure Bulletin Contest Chairman Joe Bonarrigo is getting a copy of your Council Bulletin
FAC Program
The Fraternal Assistant Committee (FAC) application is available below:
C & B Bowling
November 4, 1 PM - 4 PM
Levittown Lanes
Food Included, Cash Bar, Raffle Prizes
C & B Charitable Benevolent
Program administered by the NY State Council and run by the individual councils within the state in which council members solicit donations through the sale of chances for cash prizes given annually. All moneys garnered through the sale of chances, is used by the the State Council in their charitable outreach throughout the year.
Bulletin Contest Winners
Chapter Scholarship Winners
Nassau Chapter Councils, Columbiettes, Squires, Assembly
News and Events
90th Anniversary
Corpus Christi Council Centennial Celebration, Mass of Celebration, $120 per Person
What We Believe
The Chapter believes in Charity, Unity Fraternity & Patriotism These are the Four Principles of the Knights of Columbus and the Four Reasons that through the Chapter members talents and generous works, the Nassau Chapter continues to be the flagship Chapter and Speeding Locomotive of Columbianism of New York State. Fr. McGivney would be very proud.
The Nassau Chapter and the Nassau Conference
The Nassau Chapter represents the Fraternal arm of the Order. Chapters are recognized by Supreme Council and are responsible for the day to day fraternal activities of its member Councils. Various programs, such as Fraternal Assistance, Scholarship, Blood Drives, Pro-Life Initiatives, Social functions, Church, etc., are organized and facilitated by the Chapter. Each program should have Charity as its core. Chapters are the visible Fraternal, Charitable face of our Order. The Nassau Chapter meets monthly on the third Friday of the month, hosted by a different Member Council each month.
The Nassau Conference represents the political arm of the Order. Conferences are NOT recognized by Supreme Council. They are in charge of political appointments on behalf of the State Deputy and in NYS, are in sync with the other Conferences to elect our State Officers on an annual basis. Also, unlike Conferences in other States, the Nassau Conference facilitates the appointments of the County's District Deputies. (In most other states, the Chapters appoint District Deputies.). Conferences are not permitted to fundraise for the purpose of Charity. The Nassau conference meets twice per year.
Both the Chapter and Conference work together to serve the overall needs of our Brother Knights in Nassau County.
About the Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus and it's Councils, Assemblies and Columbiettes are committed to the exemplification of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism and to the defense of the priesthood. Our order is consecrated to the Blesses Virgin Mary and is firmly committed to the protection of human life, from conception to natural death, and to the preservation and defense of the family. Our order's central vision is to engage in charitable works, to serve the Church, to support brother Knights, to act for the good of our country, and to give aid to those in need.
Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practicing Catholic men in union with the Holy See, who are at least 18 years old. A practicing Catholic is one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the precepts of the Church. To apply for membership in the Knights of Columbus, click the link to the right or scan the QR Code.
Nassau County Board Of District Deputies
Board of Distict Deputies is made up eleven districts in Nassau County, NY. District Deputies are nominated by the State Deputy and are appointed and approved by the Supreme Knight. The district deputy is the representative of the Supreme Knight and the State Deputy and is responsible for the supervision, growth, expansion, general care and well-being of the councils assigned to his district. District deputies are responsibile for the Council Degree Exemplification whcih consists of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degrees of the Knights of Columbus.
If you're a Knight of Columbus in Nassau County, the Board of District Deputies is at your service. We're here to support members and their councils in Nassau in every way possible. We're the liasion between the local councils and the New York State Council. We help to raise funds for charitable causes, and run special events
Degree Excemplification Schedule District Deputy Information
![style switcher](img/dd_nassau.png)
Nassau Chapter Scholarships
High School Scholarship
19, 2024
To provide Financial Assistance to dependent children and grandchildren of members in good standing of the Nassau Chapter for the furthering of their Catholic High School Education
Application Form
C.C.D. Religious Education Grant
19, 2024
To provide financial assistance for the Catholic education of dependent children or grandchildren of members of the Nassau Chapter
Application Form
Elementary School Grant
19, 2024
To provide financial assistance for the Catholic education of dependent children or grandchildren of members of the Nassau Chapter
Application Form
Viet Scholarship Incentive Award
April 30, 2024
To provide Financial Assistance to a member or dependent child of a member in good standing of the Nassau Chapter for the purpose of furthering his or her post High School Education
Application Form Description
Nassau Chapter Information
Nassau Chapter
The Chapter President for the Columbian Year 2022 - 2023 is Tom Liddy. The chapter serves Councils located in Nasssau County, Long Island, New York. Chapter Membership represents the nearly 18,000 members and their families among the 50 member councils in Nassau County, New York.
Business Meetings
Monthly Chapter meetings are held on the third Friday of each month starting at 8 P.M.. The meeting location varies from month to month as Member Councils share hosting Chapter meetings. Chapter meetings are open to any and all Third Degree Brother Knights.
Nassau Chapter Committees consist of Chapter Gear, Fraternal Assistance, Veterans Affairs, etc.
Chapter Councils
The council membership consists of members of the 1st Degree (Admission), 2nd Degree (Formation) and 3rd Degree (Knighthood). Our Emblem shows a shield mounted upon the Form symbol for Columbus, patron of the Order, while the short sword or dagger was the weapon of the Knight when engaged upon an errand of mercy.
Chapter Assemblies
The Triad Emblem of the Fourth Degree features the Dove, the Cross and the Globe. The Dove - classic symbol of the Holy Spirit and Peace is shown hovering over the orb of the earth (Globe). Both which are mounted on a variation of the Crusader Cross. The Orb or Globe represents God the Father the Creator of the Universe.
The Cross, God the Son the Redeemer of Mankind. The Dove the God the Holy Spirit and Sanctifier. These symbols along with the red, white, and blue colors are used to stress the basic principle of the Fourth Degree .... PATRIOTISM.
Chapter Columbiettes
The Columbiettes, an organization of Catholic women dedicated to our Patronesses, Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Theresa the Little Flower and St. Joan of Arc.
They rely upon the intercession of Mary, our Mother and Model, for guidance in guarding the common good, and to work through her, on loving and aiding all members of the human family and to give assistance to the Knights of Columbus in all their activities upon request. The Columbiette emblem includes a blue circle that represents the world. The rays going out from the cross reflect our desire to serve God through faith, hope and charity. Those three virtues are symbolized by the three white stars underneath the cross.
Chapter Squires
The Squires is designed to develop young men as leaders who understand their Catholic religion, who have a strong commitment to the Church and who are ready, willing and capable of patterning their lives after the Youth Christ.
The Squires emblem includes a Maltese cross upon which are the letters ”P.” (physical fitness); ”I.” (intellectual development); ”S.” (spiritual growth and the practice of our faith); and ”C" (citizenship and civic life). The large letters ”C.” and ”S.” intertwined with the cross respectively represent Christ and Squires. The ”K.” centered on the cross symbolizes the Knights of Columbus. Esto Dignus, the Squires' motto encircling the emblem, is Latin for ”Be Worthy.
Nassau Chapter Committes
Calendar and Appointments
The Chapter is always looking for Councils to host the monthly chapter meeting. If your council is willing to do so, please contact Robert Guida
Chapter Directory
Each year the Nassau Chapter produces its Chapter Directory, which lists contact information for all Chapter and Conference Officers along with the Councils and Grand Knights in Nassau County. The book also includes a calendar for keeping track of appointments and meetings. Each Council receives 4 free books, and additional books can be purchased for $5 each. The cost of printing the books is defrayed by income from ads that can be placed in the book. To purchase a book, or to place an ad. Please contact Tony Ippolito
Chapter Gear
The Nassau Chapter has a number of items available so that you can show your pride in, and support the Nassau Chapter. These include: Patches; Car Magnets: Indoor Magnets; Commemorative Pins; American Flag Pins; Logo Pins; T-Shirts; Keep Christ in Christmas T-Shirts; and Easter Magnets. Items are available for purchase at each Chapter Meeting Contact Steve Connolly
Fraternal Assistance
This program was established to provide assistance to members of the Nassau Chapter Knights of Columbus, Columbiettes, Ladies Auxiliary, or their Spouses, Squires, or Squirettes. Fraternal Assistance is available and cannot exceed $750 in an six month period. Repeat requests can be made in subsequent six month periods, with a lifetime limit of $2,500. All requests for assistance are held in the strictest of confidence. To apply for assistance contact Jim Albert
Pro-Life Mass
Each January, to mark the Supreme Court decision in the Roe v Wade case, the Knights of Columbus in New York State gather at St. Patrick Cathedral in NYC for the annual Pro-Life Mass. The Chapter, in conjunction with Floral Park Council, sponsors a bus to the Cathedral. A small fee is charged for a seat on the bus and includes a continental breakfast at Floral Park Council prior to departure. For more information or to reserve a seat contact Steve Tommony
Each Fraternal Year the Chapter presents three scholarships, High School, CCD and Elementary. For full information on these scholarships, click on Forms, then one of the scholarships Contact Neil Derosa The Chapter also has another scholarship, the Veit Scholar Incentive Award. For full information on this scholarship, click on Forms, then Veit Scholarship Contact Austin Cannon Jr.
Blood Drives
The Chapter is always looking for Councils to host Blood Drives. If your council is hosting a blood drive, please contact Anthony Batista
Columbian Squires
The Columbian Squires are the official youth organization of the Knights of Columbus. Squires are young men between 10 and 18 years of age. A Squires Circle can be sponsored by a Knights of Columbus Council or 4th Degree Assembly. A minimum of 10 Squires is needed to start or reactivate a Circle. For more information Contact Mike Galgano
Nassau Chapter Officers
Nassau Chapter Officers for 2023 - 2024
Fr. Chris Costiagan
Fr. Jiha Lim
Associate Chaplain
Rev. Bret Stockdale, S.J.
Associate Chaplain
Tom Liddy, PGK, PFN, FDD
James Cioffi, PGK
Vice President
Neil Derosa, PGK
Kevin Fitzpatrick, PGK
Joe Bonnarigo PGK, FDD
Anthony Ippolito, PFK, FDD, FNCC, PCP
Advocate to the President | Trustee | NYS State Deputy
Jim Albert, PGK, FDD, PCP
Ted Newkirk, PGK, PCP
Tom Casey
Lecturer to the President
Keith Wilson, PGK, PFN, FDD, PCC
Lecturer to the President
Al Valente, PGK
Steve Connelly, PGK, PFN, PCP
Secretary to the President
"Today the Knights of Columbus continue their work of evangelical charity and fraternity in a variety of fields,”. “I think in particular of your faithful witness to the sacredness and dignity of human life, evident at both the local and national levels."
"Whenever I think of the Knights of Columbus, I am reminded with joy of a rich heritage of faith, fraternity and service, and of a shining example of Catholic laity involved in the mission of the Church. And therefore … I encourage you to carry on the worthy traditions which are yours, even as St. Paul says, "to make still greater progress", seeking to be ever more attentive to the word of God and completely disposed to carry out God's will."
"I rely on you … the Knights of Columbus to bring holiness to the world,”. Christ needs you to bring fraternal concern to your neighborhoods,to exemplify justice in your communities, to spread peace and truth in the world."