Page 109 - Pages for FlipBook 2018
P. 109
New York District 17
Congratulates the Nassau Chapter
on the occasion of their Charity Ball
Celebrates the Sisters of Saint Dominic
for their dedication and loving service of God’s people
***** ***** *****
Grand Knights
Peter Zayas - Corpus Christi Council #2502
John Thomas - New Hyde Park Council #2852
Joe Camolli PGK - Twelve Apostles Council #5001
Bob Guida PGK - Msgr John Seidenschwang Council #11836
Robert Matarazzo - St Joseph-Bishop Baldwin Council #15809
District Wardens
Dr. Anthony Battista PGK - Patrick Crosson PGK
Bob Guida PGK - Charlie Vigliotti
Vice-Chairman C & B – Joe Lannon PGK, PFN
Vice-Chairman Membership - Charles Tartaro
District Deputy
Jim Corrigan PGK