Page 111 - Pages for FlipBook 2018
P. 111
Floral Park Council #2345 GK John Hagan
St. Therese The Little Flower #2622 GK Thomas G. Avallone
Alfred E. Smith #3005 GK Mike Nass, PGK
Father Thomas F.B. Carroll #4566 GK Mark Daley
St. John Paul II #16059 GK Ismael Cossogue
District Deputy James J. Nolan, PGK
The 20th District congratulates the Nassau
Chapter and this year’s Honoree the “Sisters of
St. Dominic”We also congratulate the Robert
Hartman Lifetime Achievement Award Winner
Robert Wahl, PGK, FDD and Nassau Chapter
Knight of the Year Brian J. Ennis, PGK, PFN