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Brothers & Sisters in Columbianism:
Welcome to the 2018 Charity Ball.
Clearly, it is the mark of a strong Chapter when you hold a Charity Ball and over
400 people attend. This year’s success, was made possible for two reasons: (1) a
great cause and (2) a strong team.
Our cause was to recognize and thank the Dominican Sisters. Most of us are
aware of the great work of the Dominican Sisters as teachers. But teaching is only
one of the many great things they do. We are grateful to the Dominican Sisters
and we thank them for their many years of service. Clearly, our Church, our
families, and our lives are better off because of their dedication. Thank You
Our team is successful because it is strong and the list is long. First and foremost, I
would like to extend my appreciation and compliments to my fellow officers: Ted,
Jim and Tom. These men are tireless, dedicated Chapter officers. I don’t want to
even think about where we would be without these men. It has been a pleasure
to work with you throughout the year.
Of course, Nassau’s teamwork doesn’t end there. Our Chapter has received
tremendous support from our Past Chapter Presidents, District Deputies,
Conference officers, Grand Knights & and council officers. If that sounds like a big
team to you – you’re right – and that’s why we are successful in Nassau County.
Finally, I would like to recognize and congratulate today’s honorees. Brian Ennis
who has been named the Knight of the Year, Bob Wahl who is the recipient of the
“Robert Hartman Lifetime Achievement Award” and finally Joan Chwalisz who will
receive the Nassau Chapter Columbiette of the Year.
Enjoy the Charity Ball.
Sincerely Yours in Columbianism,
Anthony Ippolito
Chapter Vice President & Charity Ball Chairman
Anthony Ippolito, PGK, FDD, PNCC
Nassau Chapter Ball Chairman